11.13 【英语励志美文】《赛马场男孩》是你努力的方式让你得到认(3)
时间:2018-03-16 02:35 来源:www.xfmw.cn 作者:落叶 点击:次
但是,从我出租车里出来的那个人并没有说谢谢,也没有弹给他25分的硬币,只仍下了一句:“小孩儿,别挡我的路!”,然后把男孩推到一边,因为推的力气太大,男孩摔倒了人行道上。我知道这深深地伤害到了孩子。我用了不到10秒钟就下了车,但我知道我永远也找不到那个推倒男孩的人。他已经消失在人群中了。 ” NEW 单词 WORDS Get out of my way 滚开 “ So I looked for the kid. I decided to give him $20 for his efforts andgumptionthat he had shown. By the time I spotted him he was far up ahead, walking away through the crowd, hands in his pockets and his head hanging down. I could not get to him. The other cabs behind mine werehonkingtheir hornsand drivers were screaming obscenewords at me, telling me to move the cab. The traffic cop was waving at me to get back in my taxi and get going. 于是,我开始找那个孩子。我决定给他20元,以鼓励他付出的努力,以及表现出来的进取精神。当我发现他的时候,他已经在我前面很远的地方了,正双手插在衣服口袋里,耷拉着脑袋,穿过人群向远处走去。我没法去追他。我后面的出租车正不停地按着喇叭,而且车上的司机们正冲我叫骂着,让我把车挪开。而且,交警正向我挥手示意,让我回到我车上,把车开走。 ” NEW 单词 WORDS 27. Gumption (noun) ['ɡmpn] 进取心;气概;精力 28. Honking (verb, from: to honk) [hɑk] 汽车喇叭声 29. Horns (noun) [hrn] 喇叭,号角;角 30. Obscene (adj.) [b'sin] 猥亵的;可憎的 “ The kid was walking the opposite way. By the time I got the cab turned around Ilost sight of him. All I could do waspoundmy fiston the steering wheel.I never saw him again. 那个孩子正朝相反的方向走去。当我掉头把车子转过来的时候,他已经从我的视线中消失了。我能做的只是重重地把拳头砸在方向盘上。从此我再也没见过他。 Over time I have thought about that kid. I thought I would like to find him one day and tell him that if only he had stuck around a little longer I would have given him a whole $20 instead of the lousyquarter he was after, because I was so struck by hisspirit. 随着时间的过去,我经常会回想起那个孩子的事情。我希望有一天会找到他,告诉他如果他再多呆一会儿,我就会给他整整20元,而不是那可怜的25分,因为我被他的精神打动了。 ” NEW 单词 WORDS 31. Lost sight of (expression) 看不见; 32. Pound (verb) [pand] 捣烂;敲打; 33. Fist (noun) [fst] 拳,拳头 34. Steering wheel (noun) 方向盘; 35. Lousy (adj.) ['lazi] 讨厌的 36. Was after (phrasal verb, from: to be after something) 寻求的,追求的,追逐的 37. Was (so) struck (verb, from: strike) 被什么激励 38. Spirit (noun) ['sprt] 精神;心灵 “ After 30 years I realized that maybe I learned an important lesson from this kid. And maybe I am supposed to pass it along. 30年后,我意识到也许我从这个孩子身上学到了一些很重要的东西。也许我应该把它们传播给更多的人。 When things seem so hopeless that you are ready to give up, that is the time when things are most likely to turn around for you. One day we will all be recognized for how we tried. Not necessarily for what we did. So don’t ever let up on, or walk away from integrity, then you will be rewarded. 当事情看起来如此绝望,以至于你已做好放弃的准备时,也是事情最有可能向你有利的方向转变的时候。终究有一天,我们会得到别人的认可,是因为我们怎样去尝试的,而并不一定是因为我们做了什么。所以,永远不要放弃,也不要偏离诚实正直的道路,如此以往,我们终将得到回报。 ” NEW 单词 WORDS 39. To pass it along (phrasal verb, from: to pass something along) 传递 40. let up on (phrasal verb) 放弃 41. Integrity (noun) [n'tɡrti] 完整;正直;诚实; The End 静思语 终究有一天, 我们会得到该有的认可, 并不一定是因为我们做了什么, 而是因为我们怎样去尝试, 怎样去努力的, 所以,永远不要放弃, 也不要偏离诚实正直的道路, 无论生活如何不堪, 都要保持风度和风骨, 如此, 自会收获应得的回报。 留言版 逆境中有目标, 甘于辛苦去努力, 不走旁门左道。 亘古来天酬勤, 柳暗花明自会来, 源于人之善心。 Dreamer 英文 短篇 译文:英语PK台 | Billy 单词释义:Helen 部分配图来自电影 OLIVER TWIST 周一到五 和主播声音面对面 zuozh 2017 APP 精雕细课,朗易思听,有道词典 新浪微博: 声明 由北京外语广播《英语PK台》栏目微信公众号发布的部分原创广播课堂同步教学素材(文本及音频)仅供英语学习者自学使用, ” (责任编辑:admin) |