11.13 【英语励志美文】《赛马场男孩》是你努力的方式让你得到认
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11.13 【英语励志美文】《赛马场男孩》是你努力的方式让你得到认可 2017-11-13 18:04 来源:英语PK台 英语 原标题:11.13 【英语励志美文】《赛马场男孩》是你努力的方式让你得到认可 -把好文章读进心里- 一位在多伦多东区的赛马场开出租拉活的司机回忆起30年前一个在马场边靠客人打赏谋生活的男孩给他留下了深刻印象。他是一群孩子中最有礼貌的,因为不争抢所以总是被推搡到一边失去了许多赚钱机会。他从来没成功过,也从来没放弃过。终于有一天,他的机会可能来了…却也一波三折,出人意料…30年后,讲述者想把这段经历分享给更多人。 周一美文 主持:京晶 外籍嘉宾:Judy 美文朗读 (Nick | Canada) 官方朗读版+NICK特色freesyle 听这周老师又跟你说了些什么? (文末留言听写哦) The Boy at The Track 在赛马场谋生活的男孩 Introduction One day, a taxi driver in Toronto, Canada, passes a horserace track. Every day around the horserace track, kids run to arriving taxis, open the door of the taxis and say: “Good luck Mister!”. They hope to get a quarter from the person getting out of the taxi for doing this. Sometimes they succeed, but most of the time they fail. They all behave very bold, push each other away and open the car doors very aggressively, except for one boy. He behaves modestly and kind, and therefore gets pushed aside by other kids all the time. But he never gives up. When the taxi driver decides to help him however, it seems too late. Still, this boy taught the taxi driver a valuable lesson: when things start to look hopeless, never give up. If you keep trying to solve your problems and achieve your goals, then even the worst situations will become positive. If you never try to achieve something, you will always fail. Do your best, then you will always be rewarded. “ Many years ago I drove a taxi for extra money. I primarily worked in the east endof Toronto. This was back in the days when the Greenwood Racetrackwas in operation. 很多年前,我做过一阵兼职出租车司机。我主要在多伦多东区拉活。当时,格林伍德赛马场还营业着。 The track was a prettylivelyplace. Crowds of people were always streamingin and out. I did a lot of business down theredropping offfares and picking them up. When I think of those days, I remember one particular summer about 30 years ago. 这座赛马场是个非常热闹的地方,总是不断地有许多人进进出出。我的大量业务就是到那里接送这些来来往往的人。当我回想那段日子时,总会记起三十年前的一个夏天。 ” NEW 单词 WORDS 1. Primarily (adv.) [pra'mrli] 首先;主要地,根本上 2. East end (noun) 东区 3. Greenwood Racetrack (noun) 格林伍德赛马场 4. Was in operation (expression, from: to be + in operation) 在营业中 5. Lively (adj.) ['lavli] 活泼的;生动的;真实的;生气勃勃的 6. Streaming (verb, from: to stream) ['strim]流动(stream的ing形式) 7. Dropping off (phrasal verb, from: to drop off) 此处指出租车落客 “ Each time a taxi drove up to the front of the track, a group of local kids would run along the sidewalk angling fora position by the passenger door. One lucky kid, or to be more accurate the most aggressivekid, would open the passenger door and say “Good luck at the track, Mister!” 每当有出租车开到赛马场门前时,都会有一群当地的孩子沿着人行道跑过来, 抢占出租车停下来时乘客门的位置。某个幸运的孩子,或者更准确地说是最积极的孩子,会打开乘客门,说一句:“先生,祝您在赛马场好运!” The man getting out of the cab wouldinvariablymumble‘thanks’ andflipthe kid aquarteron his way from the taxi to the entrance of the track. 从出租车上下来的人总是嘴里咕哝一句:“谢谢”,然后在从出租车到赛马场入口的路上用手指弹给那个孩子一枚25分的硬币。 ” NEW 单词 WORDS 8. Sidewalk (noun) ['sadwk] 人行道 9. Angling for (phrasal verb, from: to angle for something) 谋求 10. Passenger door (noun) 乘客门 11. Aggressive (adj.) ['ɡrsv] 侵略性的;好斗的;有进取心的;有闯劲的 12. Invariably (adv.) [n'vrbli] 总是;不变地;一定地 13. Mumble (verb) ['mmbl] 含糊地说;抿着嘴嚼 14. Flip (verb) [flp] 掷;轻击 15. A quarter (noun) 四分之一;二十五美分 “ (责任编辑:admin) |