时间:2018-03-15 23:22 来源:www.xfmw.cn 作者:落叶 点击:次
Life doesn't come with an instruction manual so we do our best to move through it with grace. Just like the following 8 transformational truths, these are more of the lessons we learn (and forget) along our journeys. 生活并没有自带的使用手册,所以我们不得不竭尽全力,希望能以优雅的姿态走完一生。人生旅途中还有很多需要我们学习(和遗忘)的道理,比如下面8条助你改变的箴言。 1. Longing is another form of Divine instruction. 欲望是另一种神祇。 Too often we deem our desires to be frivolous. Those of the ego we can live without. However, there is a knowing that resides much deeper. Needs of the soul require attention if you're to ever know peace. 我们往往认为自己的欲望是负面的东西,这些来自本我的情绪是我们可以克服的。然而,其实我们内心深谙另一个道理。那就是,来自心灵的欲望也需要得到自己的关注,只有这样你才能获得内心的平静。 2. Situations are neutral. People are not. 处境无好坏,人面对处境的方式却有好坏。 While we may or may not be directly responsible for what life hands to us, we are absolutely in control of how we respond to it. Two people can have polar opposite reactions to the same situation. Interpretations of experience are internally driven. 对于生活给我们的馈赠,我们或许不能负直接责任。然而,我们如何应对生活的馈赠,这种态度上的选择是我们完全可以掌控的。两个不同的人对同一处境的反应可能有天壤之别。每个人理解和处理问题的方式都来自内心的动力。 3. Mistakes are tools for calibration. 犯错是自我纠正的必经之道。 We're often hard on ourselves and other people. Yet, we know that getting things right the first time is a long shot. The real mistake is in neglecting to extract the lessons. Learning as you go is what life is all about, no? 我们往往对自己或他人过于苛责。不过,我们也知道,冰冻三尺,我们不可能一蹴而就地取得成功。真正的错误是忘记了从教训中吸取经验。边生活边学习,这正是生活的真谛,不是吗? 4. A much-needed message may come from a much-disliked messenger. 良药虽苦口,恶人出诤言。 It's hard to hear the truth from individuals you don't like. However, in dismissing all of what they have to say, you may miss a gem or two. 要让自己相信一个自己不喜欢的人,并不容易。然而,如果你将他们所说的话统统忽略,你可能会错失很多宝贵的意见。 5. Fear is an invitation to rise. Accept the call. 恐惧是成功之门发给你的请柬,接受邀请吧。 Barring life-threatening situations, fear often points us in the direction of our next big leap. Reframe it as an indicator of potential growth as opposed to a sign of peril. 远离生活中会危及生命的危险因素,除此之外,让你恐惧的事物往往能指引你走向生活的新高度。重新审视恐惧,将它看成发挥潜质、助你成长的指向标,而不是一个指示危险的路标。 6. Your beliefs may be your prison. Re-evaluate. 你所笃信的东西可能是你的囚牢,重新审视它吧。 Beliefs can come from many sources of influence and we can adopt them without thought. Though experience may teach us otherwise, many opt to disregard it and retain the unchecked belief. That's a dangerous and very limited space to live within. 信仰可能源自多方面的影响,我们可能来不及思考就接受了某种信仰。虽然经验告诉我们要眼见为实,许多人却选择无视这条定律,将自己拘束在未经验证的信仰囚牢里。这个囚牢既危险又狭小,实在难以生活。 7. The only thing security guarantees is stagnancy. 沉迷于安全感,肯定有拖延症。 The quest for security often keeps us trapped in situations we don’t enjoy. And as miserable as it may be, the known is so seductive. Keep in mind that the unknown is ripe with possibility. 对安全感的寻求往往让我们固执地留守在一个我们并不满意的处境之中。虽然我们不喜欢这种处境,可是从熟悉的事物中获得的安全感是多么具有诱惑性啊。请记住,未知的事物充满了各种可能。 8. Sometimes who you are being is not who you are. 你正在扮演的角色并不一定是你本人。 We often take on identities out of practicality or the expectations of others. Then, one day we wake up and don’t recognize the person in the mirror. Are you getting to be the real you? 我们常常根据过往的经验或者他人的期待来获得自己对自己的认知。可是,有一天当我们起床照镜子,却认不出镜子里的人是谁。你想成为真正的自己吗? (编辑:何莹莹) (责任编辑:admin) |